This podcast is about telling the many divergent truths that embody the shared lives of students within the CEU community. With the medium of words, we get to explore several topics outside the academic sphere in episode after episode, ranging from all things smart to everything stupid. The aim, indeed, is to create an avenue through which the lot of us as can move beyond the crowded anonymity of being CEU students to being much more; to being people with vast, inexhaustible, indispensable, and sometimes, incomprehensible lifeworlds. Think of this as a barbershop, the ping-pong room or a virtually animated Bambus bar where opinions are made, agitations are raised, confessions are rendered, rants are voiced but are dusted off as soon as the hair comes off the skin, the adrenaline stops streaming down the game board, the drinks stop pouring, or in this case, as soon as the earplugs come off. As it is, this is more than just a podcast show set in an academic space, this is the CEU chatroom.